iHEART-SA Team Profiles:

John Mdluli BPsych

John has more than 10 years’ experience working with communities. He joined Aurum in 2005 as Community Liaison Officer on the TB prevention trial, Thibela TB – an international award winning trial for the “Best Innovative Participant Recruitment Strategies” which has enrolled more than 23 000 participants. In 2016 he was appointed Head of Community Engagement under Aurum Institute Clinical Research Division. John has experience in TB prevention trials (TB vaccines), TB treatment trials (testing safe and effective novel drugs), HIV treatment (ARV treatment) and HIV prevention/vaccines (HVTN 702; 107; 108; 111 and 703) including Microbicides trials (FACTS 001). In March 2020 John was included in the Aurum Institute COVID 19 response team. John holds a Diploma in Marketing, Bachelor of Psychology, BA degree in Human and Social Sciences and he is currently pursuing a post graduate qualification in Socio and Behavioural sciences. John has served on many local and international bodies. He is the current Global CER Co-chair under HVTN and a member of the UNITAID NGO-delegation. In his role as a member of the SAHTAC Secretariat, he will be responsible for leading the Secretariat and will work with the Deputy Chief Scientific Officer and others to coordinate activities of the coalition including stakeholder management and liaison.